Sea and Revelation
Have you ever experienced Divinity when simply looking at the infinite sea? The Hebrew slaves, going out of Egypt, had.
They had just left the land of Goshen six days earlier after 210 years of cruel slavery to finding themselves trapped between the Egyptian cavalry pursuing them from behind and the ominous waters of the Red Sea before them. Nahshon, the future Judea’s tribe leader, stayed focused and decisively walked into the sea, continuing to progress toward the Promised Land until the water got to his nose. Then, and only then, the Red Sea opened up. Nahshon parted the Sea, or more accurately, God parted the Sea for the Hebrews thanks to Nahshon’s leadership. Only then, the newly born Israeli Nation, experienced total freedom from its Egyptian oppressors and experienced the Glory of the Lord. An entire nation, men, women and children all sang together the famous Song of the Sea visualizing together the future Kingdom of God, the Temple in Jerusalem, place of God’s dwelling:
“You shall bring your people and plant Him on the Mount of Your Land, place of your dwelling, which You made, O Lord; the Temple of God, Your hands founded.
“The Lord will reign for eternity” (Exodus 15–17,18).
Six hundreds year after the revelation in the Red Sea, the prophet Isaiah, described the Kingdom of God and Its ultimate revelation:
“the world will be filled with the knowledge of God as water covers the seabed” (Isaiah 11–9).
This verse is also the last sentence of Maimonides’ monumental codex of Judaism, in its last chapter, describing the Messianic era:
“In that era, there will be neither famine or war, envy or competition for good will flow in abundance and all the delights will be freely available as dust. The occupation of the entire world will be solely to know God.
Therefore, the Jews will be great sages and know the hidden matters, grasping the knowledge of their Creator according to the full extent of human potential, as Isaiah 11:9 states: ‘The world will be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the seabed.”
Divinity will be revealed, but the same way the infinite waters cover the seabed without overwhelming it and without nullifying it but rather feeding it, Divinity will live in perfect harmony with Humanity. Knowledge of God will fill the world to perfect it. Knowledge of God will be accessible to all, unlocking knowledge of Nature, Science and Technology which will spread and bring infinite abundance and well-being to all humans. No more war, world-wide peace. No more envy and competition as we will all connect to Divinity.
So next time, you are looking at the sea, think about the infinite depth of God’s knowledge, visualize the rich seabed, the covered life diversity, experience Divinity and Humanity in perfect harmony.